Today, equipping the workshop with exhaust fumes extraction systems is essential to protect the health of operators and ensure efficiency.
But what types of equipment exist? How to choose the one that best suits the needs of the company? We discuss about it in today’s article!
Exhaust fumes extraction systems: how to choose the right one
When deciding to invest in a new exhaust fumes extraction systems , it id necessary to make an in-depth assessments both to understand what the needs of the workshop are, and to make sure that the machines fit into the working environment to perfection.
Being workshops closed places, where operators spend most of the day in contact with unhealthy substances, the operators health risk is very high; an effective exhaust gas extractor is therefore very important for making the workplace safe. Filtration systems are ineffective when dealing with exhaust gases, that are too fine and impalpable.
That is the reason why we need technology that removes harmful gases directly from vehicles mufflers, thereby solving the problem at its root: the fumes will avoid dispersion and will not cause harm to people.
In addition: the latest technologies make the workshop more efficient because, being easy to use and intuitive, they make the work faster and of a better quality, as well as giving the company a modern image.
There are 4 types of air purification system:
- fixed installations, requiring permanent installation and a fixed location
- sliding systems: permanent installation is required and can be used in several locations
- stand-alone, portable, small and compact systems that can be moved on wheels
- underfloor installations, requiring permanent installation and a fixed location, since gas is extracted through floor sumps
In general, fixed solutions are more suitable in companies that have large spaces available, and that require a rather high extracting power. Mobile ones, however, while ensuring excellent extracting power, are more used in workshops where spaces are smaller and where there is a need to move the equipment in another area of the workshop, when not in use.
In addition, there is another important consideration to be made.
What types of vehicles does the workshop handle?
You have to consider that a passenger car is different from a motor vehicle or from a truck, a tractor.
If the workshop deals with different types of vehicles, you have to choose a solution that can meet all the needs.
Motorcycle exhaust pipes, for example, have different characteristics than passenger car ones (coupled exhausts, underbody exhaust, undertail exhaust, multiple exhausts and oversized mufflers due to the presence of the catalyst). Although mechanics often try to adapt the systems to passenger cars, there are specific solutions that are certainly more effective.
The ideal solution is made by a nozzle with four magnets and a bar with self-supporting ground plate. This solution also allows you to place the support rod on the bench or on the stand, when there is not enough space to place the entire base.
An additional magnet then connects the rod to the rubber nozzle, so that the adapter can be positioned at the outlet of the exhaust.
In this way, it is possible to optimize the available spaces with a performant and innovative solution.
Heavy goods vehicles also have different needs than cars, mainly because the amount of exhaust gas produced are significantly higher. For this reason, the extraction systems, and especially the hose, must have an adequate dimensions and characteristics:
- must resist to high temperatures and crushing
- the reel must be durable
- the nozzle should have a manual damper to adjust the power according to the specific need
As we read in today’s article, you need to evaluate several factors before choosing the right exhaust fumes extraction system; therefore, it is essential to start a partnership with a competent company that can analyze the structure of the building, even conducting an on-site inspection to identify any obstacles to understand which personalized solutions to be selected, advising and guiding in the choice.
WORKY technicians can develop customized projects, fulfilling the needs of each customer, analyzing each reality in depth, and then studying an ad hoc solutions.
If you wish to know more, take advantage from a free session with one of our experts: book it now!