Blog Worky Industry

Industrial extraction systems: how to select the supplier

Written by Lino Di Betta | January 24 2023

When deciding to install an industrial extraction systems, it is important to choose the one that best suits the needs and requirements of the company and the operators, in order to achieve the desired results. It is therefore necessary to rely on a specialized supplier who can advise and design the best solution.

How to find the most suitable partner? We discuss this in the article.

The supplier's role in selecting the best industrial extraction systems

Purchasing a fumes and dust extraction system is a significant investment; the reasons that usually prompt companies to acquire such technologies are:

  • The desire to safeguard the health of employees by making the environment healthy
  • The need to make work more efficient and productive, increasing process quality and the company’s abilities

This second point is crucial. A modern industrial plant makes the work of technicians and operators easier and faster, ensuring a quality end result. This translates into the ability to do more work in less time and to satisfy customers, who will be keen to return, if any need arise.

Faster operations and less production time means increased profits and business growth.

Purchasing a fumes extractor for the company is certainly an investment, but by choosing the right solution that ease and improves daily operations, the ROI will be immediate.

As mentioned just now, however, in order to choose the right industrial extraction systems, it is necessary to rely on a supplier who support the customer through the whole process, showing the options available and recommending the most suitable one.

Here are some tips for choosing the right partner.

Verify that the proposed solutions are aligned with the latest technology

In addition to introducing practices and systems that aim to protect the health of employees, it is important to equip the company with the latest systems that make work faster, optimizing time and costs. New technologies allow work to be completed in less time, with better results and lower costs, paying back the investment made.

In addition, equipping the workshop with innovative systems will make employees feel proud to be part of a dynamic, modern business that allows them to work with practical, functional and intuitive machinery.

Not only that, but modern facilities are way more energy efficient, resulting in significant cost savings.

Make sure you receive a customized project

Each business reality has different characteristics and needs, requiring specific industrial extraction systems. For example, fixed industrial extraction systems, which require permanent installation, are the ideal solution in cases where operations, such as welding, takes place in one specific, well-defined area of the company.

Fixed systems also include extraction benches, which, since they can also be used as regular workbenches, are very useful when small spaces need to be optimized.

Mobile systems and wheel-mounted units, on the other hand, are preferred when there is no dedicated welding area, but the operators need to move from one point to another quickly and nimbly.

Thus, it is clear that there is no universal system that fits every company. The choice must be based on several factors, such as:

  • the spaces available
  • the frequency of use
  • the type of work performed
  • the needs of technicians and welders

A reliable partner should carefully analyze the baseline situation to figure out the best solution that fits both the needs of the operators and the structure of the building. It is also important to highlight the ability to collaborate with architects and engineers, to understand the feasibility of the project also from a structural point of view.

Chek the previously completed projects

An experienced supplier should have already implemented other similar projects with obvious results and satisfied customers. Asking for information regarding completed projects can be helpful in assessing the actual experience of the potential partner and understanding whether he or she may be a good fit for your business needs.

If the supplier undertakes projects for different business areas, for example:

  • manufacturing companies
  • machine shops
  • labs
  • educational & training center
  • shipyards and naval workshops

Means that due to the cross functional skills developed in different sectors, is familiar with various needs of different reality and is able to develop customised projects to achieve set objectives.

One of WORKY's key strengths is its ability to develop customised projects for the industrial sector, which meet and satisfy even the most challenging demands by designing ad hoc solutions for each specific case.

One of our most popular services is the three-dimensional design of working areas to locate and contextualise products, optimising spaces through a photorealistic rendering service.

If you are looking for industrial extraction systems for your company, book a free, personalised consultation! Our technicians are at your disposal to advise you on the most suitable system for your needs!

And don't worry: even after installation, we will support you with accurate, tailored service.