Blog Worky Industry

How an effective fume extractor prevents risks in the company

Written by Lino Di Betta | November 17 2022

A welding smoke extractor is fundamental in work environments where welding operations are carried out on a regular basis. Since the fumes generated are hazardous to the health of the operators, they must be removed from the work area by a modern, cutting edge system.

In this article, we look at some tips and the main solutions on the market.

Why install a fume extractor in the company?

A fume extractor remove the hazardous substances before they are breathed in by operators.

Welding activities, in fact, produce a mixture of chemical compounds and fine particles that, if inhaled, can be very harmful to the respiratory system.

A welding fume extractor draws out harmful gases and toxic substances at the source of their production, ensuring a healthy and efficient work environment. In fact, a healthy and safe working environment results in higher productivity.

A fume extraction arm is a very effective solution

This is a fume extractor consisting of an arm specifically designed to collect welding fumes or grinding dust. These are sucked in by the fan, centralized in the extraction system or connected to the arm, which can be:

  • wall mounted
  • overhead-mounted
  • sliding on overhead channel

Extraction arms remove harmful substances from the work area, preventing hazards to technicians and workers.

There are different types of extraction arms for a wide range of industrial applications, that provide strength, durability and high performances even for high volumes of fumes production.

These arms can be installed on both fixed extraction systems and mobile units.

Let's see the difference between the two systems.

Fixed fumes extractors

Fixed solutions, in addition to articulated arms, consist of hoods and filters or extraction benches, which have the advantage that they can also be used as normal workbenches.

The extraction benches are connected to a fan, which extracts fumes from the working environment.

Mobile fumes extractors

A mobile fume extractor, on the other hand, consists of a trolley mounted unit equipped with a fan, filter and articulated arm.

SMOBIPLUS is WORKY's signature portable welding fume extraction solution, prized for its extreme convenience and ease of transport from one area of the work zone to another. This solution is ideal for light and infrequent use.

For more intensive use, however, the ideal solution is SMOBIMAX, a welding fume extractor that is also portable but designed for more frequent use.

It is important to choose the most suitable solution for the company's needs based on:

  • dimensions of spaces
  • frequency of use
  • intensity of welds
  • size of welded materials
  • welding method used

Tin soldering, for example, requires a specific fume extractor

Tin is a special material that is often used in electrical engineering for soldering electronic circuit boards and wire connections because of its specific melting properties.

The problem is the gaseous emissions produced by this type of soldering: since it is a lead-containing alloy, they are toxic.

For this reason, it is always necessary (but also required by law) to have a fume extractor capable of extracting these substances.

The SMOBIPLUS fume extractor is also ideal for those settings where tin soldering is carried out, given its characteristics:

  • 1.5 hp motor
  • battery of 4 filters (the last one with activated carbon, to deodorize the air before reintroducing it into the environment)
  • 3m articulated arm
  • Another suitable solution for this purpose is STOR-C, a portable vacuum cleaner characterized by:
  • 0.88 Kw single-phase motor at 230V
  • filter cartridge up to 99% of the smoke sucked in
  • 4.5 lb of activated carbon
  • 40 inches of flexible hose diam 2inches

Therefore, it is important to rely on a provider who can offer tailored solutions based on the customer's needs.

One of WORKY's strengths is precisely its ability to develop projects that meet the needs of individual companies by carefully evaluating the characteristics of the work area, both from an operational point of view and in terms of building design.

A customized fume extractor provides a healthy and safe working environment, preventing possible hazards and increasing the company's productivity.

If you would like to find out about all WORKY solutions or would like to ask us any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us! Our experts are at your disposal for a free, no-obligation consultation!